this is a post in english. 'cause I'm a poliglott man. I can speak all the languages in the world 'till I was three or four years old (I dont remember very well). when I was three or four years old, at the asil I told to my teacher: "I can speak all the languages in the world", and the teacher said to me: "really? show me something", and I: "ok, this is english: one, two, three, four. this is french: an, du, troi. this is german: ein, zwein. this is japanese: coni, ciua, kawa, saki. this is swaili: cong, bong, sbroc, sbroc" and so on. the teacher, was a woman, get scared about this, and she said: "o my god! you are a genius! no! you are the antichrist! YOU ARE THE ANTICHRIST!" and when my dad came to the asil to bring me at home, she said to him: "your son is a genius! no, he is the antichrist!". and my dad said: "please, tell me why", and the teacher: "your son can speak all the languages in the world!". and my dad said: "really? astrosio, come here please". when I was near to my dad he said to me: "please, can say me something in... uhm... japanese", and I said: "sure dad: coni, ciwa, kawa, saki, suki, zuki..." and my dad: "BUAHAHAHAH!!!". and this is for real. I swear.
Etichette: mac kennet-saw
thats too good man..u r true genius!
thank you, kingshuk! I dont know if I'm a genius, but I know that I'm something like a flying dragon. and yes, I know that there is not connection between "genius" and "flying dragon". but I love to fly. so... uhm... nothing... thank you. there we are.
great gold, kaishe! quite compliments!
There are more days than sausages.
sure, my lovely honey, my only reason of life.
Samtaim iz ard tu sei if e men is ander a iuge drag sindrom. Iu nid sam tests tu pruv it, a iurain test aderuais den a blod test, iven a singol eir chen pruv a drag teching, bat serteinli iu ev tu go tu de ospitel and let dem teic a spesimen.
Samtaim, insted, iz so isi tu anderstend det iu onli nid to rid sam freises ritten bai de men iu sinc iz a dragghed gai, end, let mi tu tell'iu, dis is uan ov de isiest ai've faund on de web.
Ei men, giast a cuestion, no mor: vu's ior puscer?
dear mr. astarte, I cant understand a single word that u wrote. but, remember, me-gay=you-die. I repeat: me-gay=you-die!
Diar mister Eistrausiou, iz isi!!! Giast rid in italian uot ai'v vrot, and iu'll anderstend evrising.
tenchiu veri macc, mr. astarte. nau I nou.
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